
At OI We Seek Being Limitless Each Day.


What is Project Limitless?

It is a state of being effortlessly connected.  Here at the OI we believe in limitless potential in each of us and we made it our mission in life to help you reach that state. We all have a blueprint inside that is raw limitless potential.  Our connection with that potential gets weaker as we grow older and adopt and solidify in our beliefs what our environment teaches us.  We are born free of disease and free of limited beliefs. Come back to your true nature and hack your innate possibilities.

Life has evolved and in recent years there have been major advancements in technology and wellness.  For us at the OI the focus of health of body and mind has always been towards more intuitive approaches that not only allow rapid jumps in potential, but that are preventative against unbalance due to a rapid paced world.

We can achieve being Limitless in many ways. Nutrition, bio-hacking with indigenous medicines, directed neuromodulators, practice traditions and exercise.  The Organic Intelligence range is a shift towards being Limitless in harnessing ancient information for use today.


After studying and experiencing the ancient and medicinal plants of various cultures for more than 40 years we have mindfully created the Organic Intelligence range of products to utilize the transformative characteristics, preventative qualities, healing properties and innate information of ancient plants to facilitate and support human potential.

As a Peruvian and a South African we are surrounded by indigenous knowledge that is still very tangible in everyday life today and it informs everything that we do.  Having studied traditional plants from a very young age we travel around the world teaching ancient wisdom traditions.  Realizing the natural transformative properties of the integrative use of these plants more than 40 years ago, we started looking at how to standardize these power plants for everyday use so that any person can reap the benefits on an ongoing basis.

The Organic Intelligence range of products came to life in 2000 making these power plants available for integrative use (what some may call microdosing).

Our Values


The Organic Intelligence believes in the sustainable use of the plants used in our products so that there may be left for future generations.  We support indigenous communities with fair trade as well as other ongoing projects.

Global Citizens

We are all crew members on this Spaceship Earth and we do not let borders define or restrict us, our projects, or our mission for the greater good.

Open You Mind (To New Possibilities)

We are believers in that the only limitations we have are our limited beliefs.  Only you control the sizes of the boxes inside your mind.  Expand your mind and expand your life.

Mindfulness In Action

Mindfullness is a way of life and going slow and sitting still is not the only way that we can be aware and awake in the moment.  We get things done.

Organic Intelligence

The Organic Intelligence range of products is a unique collection of supplements that are full of organic Information.
We use it with preventative action and evolution in mind.
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